Uncle Stef Podcast – All Episodes
Hi! This will allow you access all my episodes. The podcast will be available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify shortly.
Hi! This will allow you access all my episodes. The podcast will be available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify shortly.
1.Return to simplicity Vanilla code – less frameworks JQuery (was cool, then it started hanging ouy with PHP … ) The disco of the front-end development world. 2.Freelance and SAAS business building … rather than getting a job! • Big companies are laying off (for now,) to cut cost. • Hundreds of interviews and no…
I got a question from someone interested in the mentoring program: Hello Stefan, Do you have any courses or mentoring programs to improve on getting clients for freelancing? Thank you. My answer: Hi Harpreet, 100% The mentoring program has a focus on freelancing. So the steps are: Learn the fundamentals of web development and programming….
A 20 minute podcast on a developer who wants to earn extra cash with a side hustle. Your browser does not support the audio element. Download: Download Audio
My latest podcast on bad software made by big companies and how to fix it.